Buildings in Madrid, Spain at night


在“奖学金”的旗帜下,我们包括优秀奖学金和正式教育补助金以及教育经历. 最负盛名的, 令人垂涎的奖项持续一学年或更长时间,并在国内或国际竞争后颁发. 在一个活跃的澳门葡京博彩软件和研究员社区的会员资格是好处的一部分. 竞争激烈的暑期实习和其他体验项目通常也被称为“奖学金”. 这些都是宝贵的机会,将帮助你建立证书和获得经验,使你成为研究生院和长期奖学金的更具竞争力的候选人,这是我们澳门葡京博彩软件奖学金的重点 & Postgraduate Scholarships Program.

“我申请了奖学金, 这样我就可以成为第一代研究生,减轻攻读研究生的经济负担.”


Have you wondered if there is a fellowship out there for you? Do you have questions about when you should begin to prepare an application? Or what steps you might take to be an even stronger candidate? 参加关于奖学金机会的非正式会议,并与您的教师顾问或奖学金顾问交谈 & Postgraduate Scholarships Program. 无论你是一年级学生、大四学生还是刚毕业的校友,都要问问题. Some 程序s are open to sophomores and juniors, while some are aimed at graduating seniors and recent graduates. In all cases, strong applications require sound planning in advance. 尽早开始——在你的大学生涯中越早越好——即使你还没有准备好坐下来写你的申请.




Familiarize yourself with fellowship opportunities and let them inspire you! 一旦你知道一两个你感兴趣的机会,开始和你的顾问交谈. Familiarize yourself with when you may apply for opportunities. If you need to apply to be endorsed for a fellowship, pay close attention to when you must begin working toward your goal. 提醒自己 最后期限.


Most fellowships look for fellows with high academic achievement, engaged in campus and community, who are creative and critical thinkers. 个人通过利用澳门葡京博彩软件丰富的文科课程和课外机会来提高他们的前景.

Study what you love and feel is important. 挑战你自己. 探索校园内外. 承担责任. 解决问题. Be a doer and practice rallying others to do things that matter with you.

We encourage students to pursue personal, educational and career development. Talk with your advisers and teachers. Seek research and travel experiences.


Why Should I 申请奖学金?

If you don’t ask, you won’t be considered. 的 honor of receiving a competitive fellowship is great, but what will really matter to you is what the award helps you to achieve. A fellowship is never the goal in itself; it is the opportunity it funds and facilitates—graduate school or living and studying abroad or the experience of a lifetime—that should really make your heart race! 由于奖学金所代表的意义令人垂涎,因此竞争非常激烈. 只要你做好了充分的准备,一点点的竞争是没有坏处的.

即使你没有获得奖项,你也会从这个过程中获益良多. You clarify your graduate school plans, 职业道路, life goals and more in the process of applying for a fellowship. 你与顾问和导师密切合作,一路上几乎总是能遇到有趣和乐于助人的人. 你要练习在纸上和面对面的场合向要求苛刻的新观众展示自己. You get to test yourself among other talented individuals. And you are well prepared to go after that next competitive opportunity. 通常, 在第一次尝试中失败的人在以后的竞争中会成功.


的 best way to learn about what fellowships can do for you is to read the stories of applicants and awardees.

How Do I 搜索 for Fellowship Opportunities?

奖学金网站提供了主要奖学金和其他奖项和奖学金项目的摘要 选择奖学金页面. 当你开始探索奖学金选择时,这里有其他资源可以帮助你.

充分利用我们的奖学金和研究生奖学金搜索工具和建议 Additional 资源 on the 资源 page.

公民资格, & 选择标准

How Do I Know If I Am Eligible for a Fellowship?

资格有很多变数. Read the eligibility fine print for the opportunities that most interest you. 如果你的资格不是非常清楚,请与奖学金顾问讨论以澄清. 是否有你可以影响的资格要素(如经验和学术成就)??

每个程序都是独一无二的. Strict GPA cutoffs will be specified for some 程序s, but not others. 公民资格差别很大:有些项目只接受美国公民的申请.S. citizens while others accept the citizens of the world. 一些项目有年龄限制或要求在大学毕业后几年内申请. Some 程序s target particular academic subject areas or intended careers. 在计划申请之前,阅读细则并咨询每个奖学金的资格标准是至关重要的.


项目 listed that are funded by the US government (富布赖特, NSF, 戈德华特, 尤德尔, 目的就是, 杜鲁门) are eligible to US citizens; in some but not all cases, US nationals and US permanent residents are also eligible. Some other 程序s will also limit eligibility to a US focus, but specific eligibility rules may be more broadly defined (e.g. P. & D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans). Rule of thumb: You have to check the fine print of eligibility! Some 程序s offer opportunities to a much wider range of citizenships. Knight-Hennessy and Schwarzman are open to any nationalities. Gates Cambridge is open to any citizenship except the United Kingdom. 罗兹 has application routes for all nationalities. 德意志 recruits great graduate students from many countries.

What is Smith’s Role in Supporting 奖学金?

一些奖学金项目需要澳门葡京博彩软件的提名、认可或预选审查. 对于这些, 申请的第一阶段可能是内部竞争,以成为澳门葡京博彩软件正式支持的学生之一. Sometimes it is just one nominee (for example, 白洁), 有时更多(例如), 戈德华特, 杜鲁门 and 尤德尔 permit four each). 有些项目不需要澳门葡京博彩软件批准你的申请(如盖茨), NSF), 但是,如果你利用所有的机会来开发一个强有力的申请,包括咨询奖学金计划的顾问,你的竞争机会就会提高!


What Kinds of 奖学金 Are Available?


等项目 白洁, 戈德华特, 杜鲁门, 尤德尔, 目的就是 are for sophomores and juniors. 

为本科生 who are planning graduate school

等项目 杜鲁门 (for public service-related graduate degrees) and 白洁 (for those in the arts and humanities, (社会科学家)要求你在大三的时候申请一个奖项,你将带着这个奖项去研究生院.

For seniors or recent graduates who want to go to graduate school in the US

NSF Graduate 研究 奖学金 (对一些社会科学和自然科学来说)是这个类别中最大的项目之一. 奈特-轩尼诗是斯坦福大学任何研究生学科的一个项目.

For seniors or recent graduates who want to go to graduate school abroad

的re are prestigious 程序s for study in the UK and Ireland (罗兹, 马歇尔, 米切尔盖茨剑桥). Germany offers a range of options through its 德意志 程序. 中国有两个项目提供一年制硕士水平的学习,旨在培养国际化和跨学科的人才。 燕京研究院”施瓦茨曼的澳门葡京博彩软件 程序. 的re are others in this category if you do your research and keep looking!


This is a big 程序 for one year funded abroad. 它可以是非常有经验的(你作为英语助教工作,或者你找到一个研究机会),也可以是一个更有条理的学习项目. 看到澳门葡京博彩软件富布赖特 焦点


准备好与顾问会面了? Log into Handshake and choose “奖学金/Scholarships First Meeting.”


Eve Xu ' 20

探索 Integrative Learning at Smith


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